Tag Archives: Phobia

What Are You Going to Do With That?

This is a repost of an article from The Chronicle. All credit goes to the author, William Deresiewicz. You can read the original article here. It is lengthy but it is definitely worth the read. Enjoy!

This was based on a talk delivered to a freshman class delivered in Stanford.

The essay below is adapted from a talk delivered to a freshman class at Stanford University in May.

The question my title poses, of course, is the one that is classically aimed at humanities majors. What practical value could there possibly be in studying literature or art or philosophy? So you must be wondering why I’m bothering to raise it here, at Stanford, this renowned citadel of science and technology. What doubt can there be that the world will offer you many opportunities to use your degree? Continue reading

Choking on Your Words?

Click this image to read an article by Scientific America On Choking

I was just reading about this article by Malcolm Gladwell in his book: What The Dog Saw.  In his article “The Art of Failure”, he pointed out the difference between choking and panicking. This is especially interesting for people with public speaking woes and I shared this article with my clients. Continue reading

It Is The Simplest Of Things That Shape Our Lives

I can’t help but to share this. It speaks to the heart. In our quest for technological advancement and complexity, we strive constantly to put aside the simple things for bigger, better and pricier.  Yet many times, these material things can never represent what we truly want to convey. Continue reading

Stage Fright & Performance Anxiety; The Easiest Way to Overcome Them!


Public Speaking Phobia

Please Don't Scrutinize Me!!!


Of the 9 most common fears in the world, my favorite is Public Speaking. Its the only fear that once you  overcome, can launch you to success. Some people feel the minor version of public speaking, and that is presenting to small crowds, such as sales meetings, sales with customers etc. If you feel anxious, its absolutely normal. How then can you overcome that fear? Continue reading

Failure? That’s that pretty lady’s name!


Center Yourself

Center Yourself or Lose Yourself


The day before, I met a familiar friend. She has guided me thus far and today she gave me more lessons on how to do things better. You could have met her before. Her name is Failure. Continue reading

Alcoholism, Depression And You!


Being able to have fun prolongs your life

A little bit of Alcohol Could prevent depression


I came across this article today and I found it very interesting. It writes about how people who abstain from alcohol actually have a higher chance of falling into depression! My goal is not to promote drinking by sharing this article Continue reading

Is it Hard to Hypnotize Children?

I’m the principal hypnotherapist in Hypnae Center to provide therapy for children and I work in many areas such as bed wetting, phobias, academic improvement, ADHD etc. I have been asked on a number of occasions if it is hard to hypnotize them. It is not. From my experience, I find that hypnotizing children is so much simpler than adults and here’s why:

1. They are EXTREMELY imaginative
2. Give them something interesting to focus on and you have them locked
3. They live in a world of Magic
4. Entering the state of Hypnosis is as easy as closing their eyes
5. They will absolutely follow your instructions when you bring yourself to their level.

For the budding therapist, do give it a try, and you will be amazed at how efficient hypnotherapy can be for children and how much fun you will have!

Be Human, Change

Humans are creatures of habit. We like familiarity. It’s in our traditions to like to stay the way we are. We like what we’re used to. So often, when we’re faced with a choice between two elements, one familiar and the other mysterious, we’d choose the familiar. It can’t be helped. It’s only part of nature. Continue reading

Hugging Durians

In light of recent encounters with clients, friends and relatives, I noticed something that every one of us tend to do at times. We like to hug durians; hug them close against our bare flesh.

I think it’s because we humans all have a love for drama Continue reading

Fear, The Mind Killer

TigerPhobia. Claustrophobia, thanatosphobia, agorophobia,arachnophobia etc. Do you know of many people with a phobia? I have met quite a few and given therapy successfully to them to. However I have to assure you all that not all of your fears can be considered phobic. A phobia is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, or people and it is beyond the control of the person. Many people mistake their fears for phobias. Continue reading