About Bump!

CapoeiraThat’s the theme of this blog. It’s all about ideas,videos,people and places that help to get us going. Ever so often all we need is a little bump to and every thing will fall into place.Feeling down and out?a little pat on the shoulder and a word of encouragement can bump anyone back in shape.
I practise capoeira and boy is it tiring;getting that stretch to kick higher;training the lift off to jump higher for acrobatics; I tend to feel like giving up. It’s too tiring especially if you have knee problems and a weak back like me. Then when I see videos of people doing capoeira;those clean movements,high flying kicks,beautiful game;I feel that bump to want to move.
Even at work,when we drone about the office performing our daily routines,ever so often we start wondering: what am I doing?!what happened to my dreams and aspirations?!you need to get bumped.I hope that if you come across my blog,it will bump you and set you down the path that you always wanted to take. As the saying goes: Carpe diém.

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